Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pinned anything lately??

     I have a confession to make:  I recently fell in love.  My hubby is somewhat neglected lately due to my new love.  I am spending way too much time on the computer.  I got friends hooked on this new love and their hubbys are not too happy either.  Have you met my new love?   It's name is  

     I like to think of it as the file cabinet of the internet.  You can "pin" a link to an article or picture and categorize it for later use.  It is not just for teaching ideas: still working on that for myself.  You can make any  categories you wish and start pinning away.  It is simple, easy and FREE!!! 
    Click on the button to the left and visit my board.  You are more than welcome to follow me and to repin anything on my boards.  My pins are your pins. 
     Happy pinning folks!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tech Tuesday

     So are you lucky enough to have an interactive white board?  I know I am.  We have the smart board brand of white boards so even though I will refer to any, I usually call it a smart board.
     I was really thanking my lucky stars for it today.  We ended up having a delayed early dismissal due to a gas leak in the area.  Only one way in and out of our school and the leak was on that road.  So, utilized downloaded videos from Discovery Education ( aka United Streaming) and we "rode" the Magic School Bus for a while until the road was reopened. 
     One of my favorite activities to use the smart board with my kiddos is called Wow Me Wednesday.  You can do this activity any day of the week I just chose Wed.  ( It used to be Wikki Wed when I was "old school" and used wikki sticks).  We always start our morning with a message on the smart board.  But on Wednesdays before I read it to/with the class, I call on students to identify letters or words that they recognize.  They use the pens to circle the letter/ word and then read it to me.  I keep a chart of who is chosen when and what they identified.  I do also keep track of mistakes and how many attempts it took- no more than 3 due to time.  It is amazing how much they pick up in a year.  I choose the first 5 students and our class mascot, Booksie, chooses the other 5 students.
Here is an example of what the board looks like when we are finished:
     Other ways I use the board is to graph the weather, introduce websites, use the document camera, introduce the song books for Dr. Jean song and I love the programable dice on their software.  There are loads of free files already made for each grade level in many subject areas at the Smart Board Exchange site.  I know there is a site for Promethean Boards as well.  I have picked up a file on apple sets, attendance pages, rhyming matches and many many more.  Happy Hunting.
     What do you like to do with your Smart board?
Mrs. B

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mix and Math Monday

     Welcome to a new week.  My goal this week is to try and blog every day.  Lots of ideas running through my head. 
     Just finished a professional development session Friday on the common core and CGI- Cognitively Guided Instruction.  CGI is basically solving story problems, showing how you got your answer, and defending it.  I ususally do not introduce these problems so early in the year but with the push for common core I felt I needed to.  Purposely chose not to model to see what strategies were out there.  Very interesting.
     Our math supervisor suggested that everyone utilize math baskets for CGI.  Here are mine:
The scarecrow on the front is to let me know which table's basket I have.  Each table has a mascot according to the current season.

Back view.  I utilize 3-compartment totes  found a few years ago at the Target dollar spot ( got to love that dollar spot). 
What goes into my math baskets?  Well, a math/ problem solving journal, laminated 100's chart, a number line to 20, towers of10 unifix cubes ( 3 per student) and a math mini office.  The number line is a creation of mine using a table in Word and DJ Inker clipart.  The labels for the problem solving journal and the expectations inside are from

I utilized spiral notebooks I picked up at Staples for a penny each this summer. 

I will do a separate post for the mini office which is modeled after Mrs. Meachum's mini office but only has math items.
Happy Problem Solving.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Pickin's

     Hi y'all.  What a crazy 2 weeks it has been.  Started this blog as our daughter was getting ready to move, taking a sign language class, and getting ready to present at a professional development for our county.  What was I thinking??!!  Anyway, time to get this blog on course.
     As I mentioned, I like to go to yard sales on the weekend with my hubby.  This weekend was gloomy with intermitent rain but we perservered.  I managed to find 2 floor puzzles and a small 24 count Seuss puzzle for $2 total.  Also found wooden acorns to use in my counting jar and a tackle box/organizer for $1.  I am going to use that for the behavior coupons I found after I phase out my treasure box.  Need to deplete the treasure box/ B-Mart inventory first.The behavior coupons are found at :
One of the many coupons on her site.
      I should also say that I "pick" ideas from blogs and websites then make them my own by tweaking them just a bit.  Sometimes I just keep it the same because why fix it if it ain't broke.  I used some wonderful ideas for the 5 Senses from
Here is what my class did:
I had fun making the bear with my card making supplies.  He is just TOO Cute!

This is the bear made using materials for the five senses.  Ended up using a 2 inch scallop punch for the ears and paws.  Definitely want something bigger for next year.  Had to go to the Dollar Store to find Big Red gum for the tongue. Good call on that one Rana.

Our county fair was this weekend so I tied in some writing about the fair with the five senses.  We wrote about what they would like to eat and included an opinion portion due to Common Core.

 Already ran out my first set of ink cartridges from my new printer-thanks to hubby for the printer.  Used them up printing the great apple work station ideas I purchased on Teachers Paying Teachers.  Great ideas from Deanna Jump's Apple unit and others I found there.  LOVE IT.  Will post pictures by Thursday.  Sorry folks but our conference day was cancelled due to furlough days so I am holding them before and after school as much as I can over the next few weeks. 

   It was Booksie who stole the cookies from the cookie jar!!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Science week

It is Science week for teacher blogs and my focus this year.

   I just finished the science intro lesson I mentioned earlier and what a hit it was.  We had a blast learning about the notebooks and science.  When we were learning about the tools,  I grabbed the goggles and everyone was a junior scientist.  They were too cute!! 
     We are now in the middle of a weather unit that is mandated by our county.  Not very exciting but we are going to play Weather Jeopardy tomorrow, then include an observation in our notebooks.
     I kind of snuck in more science with our reading theme of All about Me. We are learning about the five senses.  Will post pictures tomorrow.
     My team is tasked with turning a current unit from a marking period into a STEM for All unit.  Need help locating some lesson ideas on the web for making a sound unit into a STEM unit.  Any suggestions are more than welcome.  Happy investigating and observing.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Mis-Mash Monday

     This is going to be a crazy week for me.  I start a sign language class on Tuesday, plan for the month with my team on Wednesday after school, have Open House on Thursday evening, then on Friday I leave mid day to go to a planning meeting about a math presentation I have been asked to do the following Friday.  On top of this our oldest daughter is relocating to Asheville, NC this weekend and wants her mamma's help.  I knew I was going to need lots and lots of Diet Coke and chocolate and one of my team mates, Stephanie K, came through and surprised me this morning with some.  Thanks so much.  Now  I get to return the favor with cookies my youngest is baking.  Deep breaths people.

     I started this wonderful unit onWhat is Science that I found on  I am on the STEM professional learning committee at my school and thought the notebooks would be a wonderful way to start more student centered ideas.  I asked my kids what they thought science was before we read the book suggested and the answers were hilarious.  Many thought science had to do with potions, or drawing or even wavy lines.  It is always interesting to check that prior knowledge before a unit.  You never know what they are thinking?
     Getting ready for our Open House.  I always try to post a board to solicit donations for items that I always seem to need and end up buying myself.  Here is the board as of today:
When I am done with Open House, I will reuse the same trees for an apple graph. 
-  I have a Pinterest board if you are interested in following.  I am listed as MrsBsJunk.  It is an old chant my students one year started when we were working on a Chicka Chicka letter exchange.  I had the letter J and did not want to spend a ton of money on jewels for 26 letters to mail.  So, I went through my cabinets and pulled out... my junk.  The kids started chanting Mrs. B's Junk,  Mrs. B's Junk.  Even at the end of the year you would occassionally hear that chant. 
     Well, one day at a time with lots of Diet Coke, chocolate and friends.  I know I can get through this week. Mrs. B

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Welcome to my Home away from Home.

    I spend so much of my time at work it should be considered my home away from home.  I work in a relatively new school ( we are only starting our 3rd year in the building).  While there are things I love about the school, there are things the architects did NOT ask teachers about when designing this building.  Water faucets should not be close to the edge and allow puddles to form nor should there be hand dryers in a K bathroom- WAY too noisy.  I DO love the natural lighting we get on most days- we are a green school.

Welcome to Room B60:
Housekeeping Area before Open House.  I do not add any materials so that I do no have to clean up after the Open House.  The bags hanging in the cubbies are part of my Family Literacy Bag program I started last year.
The Listening/ Legos Center.  Top shelf will house baskets with portable Walkmans/ CD players with books on clipboards under them.  The bottom shelf holds the legos.  The bin at the end of the shelf is for Fundations materials.  The door leads to a closet.

The bus dismissal charts and Afternoon Centers chart.  Students choose a clothespin which is a specific color for each center.  When clips are gone, center is full.

The Art and sink area.  I "picked"the shelf from my daughter's room when she decided to redecorate.  The rug under the step stool was a yard sale pick as well as many of the art supplies. Behind the chart stand is my file cabinet and a library shelf.

 The Library Center and Calendar.  Love that Target Dollar Spot.  Got all my bins for the library there.  Added labels on velcro in order to change out themes.  Our class mascot, Booksie, hangs out here.
Smart Board.  Made use of the space underneath with those Closet Maid organizers.  Lacing beads and more puzzles are in the fabric bins.

Whole group teaching area
  Easel has our Fundations writing grid and a pocket chart to hold the letter cards.  The blue pouch on the side of the desk has name sticks for random selection and the board is our job holders.

 ABC/ Word Play
Computer center in background
Teacher area and small group table.
I don't like a desk so I have a small table with the computer and organize next to my shelf.  The blue magazine holders will hold each reading group's materials so that they are easy to get to. Under the table is a rolling organizer to hold other teaching materials.

The writing center
I added red ribbon on this portion of my built in shelves to help delineate the area.  The paper organizer was another pick.  The shelf to the left is building: another pick.

Math center
The picture on the shelf is me when I was five.
Science Center
Wish I had more room for this center.  Space and shelving are limited.  Used same color ribbon to denote area as the clothespin for the center.
View of back of room
Used shower curtain rods and 2 shower curtains from Target to make my curtains. 
Word Wall
This is one of the few blank walls in my room.  The door leads out to a playground just for PreK and K.

 Well that is our room.  These pictures were taken before the kids came and now we are filling up the word wall and walls as well as the bulletin boards.  I guess it is time to get the lesson plans typed up.  I should try to get 2 weeks worth done as it looks like I need to travel to Asheville to help my oldest move next weekend. See you later alligator.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cannon BALL!!!!!

     Well, I am taking the leap and starting my own blog.  I have spent the last few weeks just stalking other blogs and my cohorts think I should go ahead and start my own.  This will be a fun learning experience for me and a lesson in balance between work and home.  Any advice from other bloggers would be most welcome.  (Esp. how to add clipart and do it legally)
     I teach at a wonderful school here in Southern Maryland and have been here for 9 years.  I have taught kindergarten all but one year of my career.  When I walked into that K classroom for my student teaching at Delalio Elementary on New River Air Station in Jacksonville NC, I knew this was what I was meant to do with my life.  I have taught in NC, FL and now MD. 
      The beginning of this school will never be forgotten.  We had an earthquake 15 minutes before Open House and then had to walk back into the 2 story building to meet and greet our families.  Then the next weekend, we had a hurricane along with tornadoes occur in our county.  We have already missed 3 school days so far.  Then last week, we dealt with the remnants of Lee.  And we will only be at day 10 on Monday!!!
     Time to stock up on my chocolate and Diet Coke as that helps run my classroom.  Thanks for joining me and see you soon.  Tammy- AKA Mrs. B