Monday, September 12, 2011

Mis-Mash Monday

     This is going to be a crazy week for me.  I start a sign language class on Tuesday, plan for the month with my team on Wednesday after school, have Open House on Thursday evening, then on Friday I leave mid day to go to a planning meeting about a math presentation I have been asked to do the following Friday.  On top of this our oldest daughter is relocating to Asheville, NC this weekend and wants her mamma's help.  I knew I was going to need lots and lots of Diet Coke and chocolate and one of my team mates, Stephanie K, came through and surprised me this morning with some.  Thanks so much.  Now  I get to return the favor with cookies my youngest is baking.  Deep breaths people.

     I started this wonderful unit onWhat is Science that I found on  I am on the STEM professional learning committee at my school and thought the notebooks would be a wonderful way to start more student centered ideas.  I asked my kids what they thought science was before we read the book suggested and the answers were hilarious.  Many thought science had to do with potions, or drawing or even wavy lines.  It is always interesting to check that prior knowledge before a unit.  You never know what they are thinking?
     Getting ready for our Open House.  I always try to post a board to solicit donations for items that I always seem to need and end up buying myself.  Here is the board as of today:
When I am done with Open House, I will reuse the same trees for an apple graph. 
-  I have a Pinterest board if you are interested in following.  I am listed as MrsBsJunk.  It is an old chant my students one year started when we were working on a Chicka Chicka letter exchange.  I had the letter J and did not want to spend a ton of money on jewels for 26 letters to mail.  So, I went through my cabinets and pulled out... my junk.  The kids started chanting Mrs. B's Junk,  Mrs. B's Junk.  Even at the end of the year you would occassionally hear that chant. 
     Well, one day at a time with lots of Diet Coke, chocolate and friends.  I know I can get through this week. Mrs. B


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