Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wallets full of words or sounds...but no money:(

My kiddos need something at home to help them learn the sight words or word wall words as I call them.  So I took an idea I got from a wonderful workshop put on by The Bag Ladies from FL and used it to create a home connection tool to extend the learning.  All you need is a large lunch bag- large works better to hold 3x5 index cards.  You will also need some clear packing tape.
1. Fold the bag into thirds so you can see the fold line.
2. Cut along the side of the bag down to the fold line.  Then cut across the fold line using only 1 thickness of the bag.  Cut up the other side so that you leave a flap.

3. Round the edges of the top of the flap.
4. Tape along both sides with the packing tape to create your pocket.

     I added a label using DJ Inker clip art ( AWESOME CLIP ART!!) and a letter when it goes home.  This wallet is set up for alphabet letter and sound recognition.  One side of the card has a letter and the other has a smaller version of our alphabet/ phonics chart (we use Fundations).  The wallet stays at home.  For the following weeks, the cards go home in a ziploc asking parents to put cards in the wallet and return the ziploc to school. 
     When they are ready, kiddos get the word wallet with a different label.  I used 3x5 cards in the past but found half sized ones from Staples with our supply money and ordered them.  This year we are writing the words on the cards so that the kids have a model of good handwriting to trace over and the cards are more legible than in the past for parents.
    How to use the cards at home:  I tell parents to flash them, look for a word in the book they are reading, leave them around the room and do a word hunt, or even lay them out and swat a specific word with a clean fly swatter. 
     The cards definitely help.  I am now trying to come up with numeral/ sets cards for my low kiddos in math.  I always made the word wallets and just started with the sound wallets this year.  Definitely need to think more mathematically. 
Happy practicing.


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